Faraz Khalid

Hello. Nice to virtually meet you. I'm a student at UT Dallas working towards my Master's in Software Engineering. I did my B.S in Software Engineering from UT Dallas as well, with a domain in Human Computer Interaction and Artificial Intelligence. Beyond CS, I love to work on projects that I find meaningful, and go to Hackathons on the weekends (participating in Virtual Hackathons due to COVID-19 *crying brb*).



Comet BookStore

I always had to switch between Discord Channels/GroupMe/Facebook to find books so I created a website where UTD student could upload their books to rent/share/sell.



Who wouldn't want to talk to Steve Jobs, right? I scraped the web for transcripts and implemented a DNLP chatbot which tries to talk like (it says Apple is better than Microsoft) Steve Jobs.


CS 6375 - Machine Learning

Used Walmart's kaggle dataset to analyze trends, and visualize what products are usually out of stock at certain walmart locations.


Kellermann Foundation

I voluntered as a Software Engineer creating a bridge system between the Ugandan hospitals and Ugandan governemnt.



Particpated in a Kaggle competiton where I implemened machine learning algorithms to classify toxic comments into six categories. Finished top 5%.


Coffee Shop Point of Sale

Creted an Android application to help manage inventory and make orders.

I'd love to hear from you.

Email me at me@ikhalidfaraz.us